Are Print Publications Going Extinct?

23 02 2010

With the rapid growth of the Internet and the innovation of new technologies comes speculation on the staying power of print publications.  Recently, Anita Malik, former editor of East West Magazine announced the end to the publication that had been running off and on since 2003.  Although, East West had not been in existence for that long in comparison to other popular magazines, it gained a cross-cultural following that many people of diversified backgrounds could relate to.  The ending of East West exemplifies the struggle of print in a world where technology has taken great strides.  Increased use of the Internet and mobile technologies, such as the iPhone and the up and coming iPad, and not to mention the focus on ‘Going Green’, it’s no wonder why magazines have taken the initiative to jump on the social media bandwagon.  Last week, Wired Magazine announced their summer release of their iPad edition.  Wired’s iPad edition provides digital versions of each Wired publication.  These digital publications will be like their printed magazines, but with the addition of interactive elements that include a scroll bar to see all pages, the expansion of photos and pictures within the magazine, and full views of particular features in advertisements.  In addition, many social characteristics make up the iPad edition including the ability to clip articles to send friends, add articles to your facebook page, or even tweet about an article.  Below, I have posted the video demo (check it out!).  It is unclear whether mobile magazines will be well received, but with the rapid adoption of mobile technologies, I suspect this one won’t be any different.  The question is: will other magazines adopt and how quickly? Also, will print eventually go extinct because of these new tools?